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As shown in Tutorial: Search for data, it is easy to find data. Downloading the data might be harder though, especially when downloading a large amount of granules or even mirroring a complete DAAC. Indeed, the Julia download! won't work in parallel, nor will it resume downloads or show its progress. In such cases it's useful to export a list of granules to a text file and use an external download tool:

granules = find(:ICESat2, "ATL08")
SpaceLiDAR.write_urls("atl08_world.txt", granules)

In my case, I use aria2c. Note that downloading from the granule urls require a EarthData login, normally setup in an .netrc file (also see netrc!).

aria2c -c -i atl08_world.txt

Once finished, one can again instantiate the list of granules with the folder to which all files have been downloaded.