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Search for data

using SpaceLiDAR
# Find all ATL08 granules
granules = search(:ICESat2, :ATL08)

# Find only ATL03 granules in a part of Vietnam
vietnam = Extent(X = (102., 107.0), Y = (8.0, 12.0))
granules = search(:ICESat2, :ATL08; extent=vietnam, version=6)

# Find GEDI granules in the same way
granules = search(:GEDI, :GEDI02_A)

# A granule is pretty simple
granule = granules[1]  # filename
granule.url  # download url  # derived information from id

# Downloading granules requires a setup .netrc with an NASA EarthData account
# we provide a helper function, that creates/updates a ~/.netrc or ~/_netrc
SpaceLiDAR.netrc!(username, password)  # replace with your credentials

# Afterward you can download the dataset
fn =!(granule)

# You can also load a granule from disk
granule = granule(fn)

# Or from a folder
local_granules = granules(folder)

# Instantiate search results locally (useful for GEDI location indexing)
local_granules = instantiate(granules, folder)

Derive points

using DataFrames
fn = "GEDI02_A_2019242104318_O04046_01_T02343_02_003_02_V002.h5"
g = SpaceLiDAR.granule(fn)
df = DataFrame(g)
149680×15 DataFrame
    Row  longitude  latitude  height    height_error  datetime                 intensity  sensitivity  surface  quality  nmo 
         Float64    Float64   Float32   Float32       DateTime                 Float32    Float32      Bool     Bool     UIn 
      1    153.855  -47.2772  -13.3536      0.307976  2019-08-30T10:48:21.047   393.969   -0.0671094      true    false      
      2    153.855  -47.2769  -11.2522      0.307978  2019-08-30T10:48:21.055   797.26     0.533529       true     true
      3    153.856  -47.2767  -13.775       0.307981  2019-08-30T10:48:21.063  1010.39     0.695938       true     true
      4    153.857  -47.2765  -11.729       0.307983  2019-08-30T10:48:21.071   852.614    0.544849       true     true
      5    153.857  -47.2763  -13.2443      0.307985  2019-08-30T10:48:21.080   980.66     0.620767       true     true      
      6    153.858  -47.2761  -12.1813      0.307987  2019-08-30T10:48:21.088   937.441    0.620531       true     true
      7    153.859  -47.2758  -11.9011      0.30799   2019-08-30T10:48:21.096  1235.02     0.73815        true     true
      8    153.859  -47.2756  -12.3796      0.307992  2019-08-30T10:48:21.104   854.127    0.545655       true     true

Derive linestrings

using DataFrames
fn = "ATL03_20181110072251_06520101_003_01.h5"
g = SpaceLiDAR.granule(fn)
tlines = DataFrame(SpaceLiDAR.lines(g, step=10000))
Table with 4 columns and 6 rows:
     geom                       sun_angle  track        datetime
 1  wkbLineString25D geometry  38.3864    gt1l_weak    2018-11-10T07:28:01.688
 2  wkbLineString25D geometry  38.375     gt1r_strong  2018-11-10T07:28:02.266
 3  wkbLineString25D geometry  38.2487    gt2l_weak    2018-11-10T07:28:04.474
 4  wkbLineString25D geometry  38.1424    gt2r_strong  2018-11-10T07:28:07.374
 5  wkbLineString25D geometry  38.2016    gt3l_weak    2018-11-10T07:28:05.051
 6  wkbLineString25D geometry  38.1611    gt3r_strong  2018-11-10T07:28:06.344
SpaceLiDAR.GDF.write("lines.gpkg", tlines)